About the SCCR
Cyenians Scottish Centre for Conflict Resolution (SCCR) aims to reduce family conflict and is a national resource centre for best practice in conflict resolution, mediation and early intervention work.
Managing Conflict
Conflict happens for a myriad of reasons, across our lives, relationships and communities, sometimes with minimal consequences - but there are times its impact can be overwhelming, making life seem impossible and the future impenetrable.
Built on partnerships with a wide variety of colleagues and collaborators across the country and years of experience through Cyrenians conflict resolution services and Amber mediation, the SCCR aims to support young people, their families and those who work with them.
Story of the Cyrenians
In the Zone
In April SCCR launched a new section of its website, the Learning Zone, which builds on previous psychoeducational digital resources. The Learning Zone tells the story of how our brains interpret the world around us and how this translates in our bodies, emotions and behaviours. With sections for young people and professionals working with families, The Learning Zone is the go-to website for learning how puberty affects relationships.
Happy 10th Birthday
To celebrate the first ten years of Cyrenians SCCR we held an evening reception in Scottish Parliament sponsored by Sarah Boyack MSP. Along with hearing from our speakers including Natalie Don MSP, Minister for Children, Young People and Keeping the Promise; Sarah Boyack MSP and Ewan Aitken, Cyrenians CEO we reflected upon the SCCR’s impact over the past decade, launched our latest educational resources ‘The Learning Zone’ and looked to our future ambitions.

A Course of Mediation
In response to recent requests for mediation training from those supporting young people and families, in early 2023, we developed and piloted a five-day ‘Mediator Skills’ training. This training, accredited by Scottish Mediation, is the only Mediator Skills training focusing on young people and families and was attended by Cyrenians staff across services working with young people.
SCCR & GSC ‘Mini Exhibition’
Since March 2023, visitors to Glasgow Science Centre have been able to check out a new visually engaging mini-exhibition bringing together all four of our ‘Brainy Stuff’ resources. This collaboration with GSC marks the latest round in our ongoing campaign to find fresh ways to connect with the young people and families who would benefit from using our resources.

It's all about the Brain...or is it?
Our first national in-person event was held for young people at Glasgow Science Centre in November 2022. We welcomed over 100 young people, teachers and support staff to explore the science behind conflict, why we act and react the way we do and how to maintain the best balance to keep ourselves mentally, physically and emotionally healthy. We were delighted to be joined by Kevin Stewart MSP, Minister for Mental Wellbeing and Social Care plus young musicians from Sound Lab and TikTok.

Please welcome to the stage...
SCCR launch our latest digital psychoeducational development ‘The Three Brains’ at The Gathering; our first in person event in almost three years. Working with Neuroscientist Professor Judith Pratt, University of Strathclyde, this latest development explores the mind-body connection and its role in strengthening family relationships. By understanding the body’s ‘three brains’, (the actual brain, the heart and the gut), we learn that having good mental, physical and gut health can lead to a healthy mind-body connection and help to regulate our emotions.

A Discovery of Voice
SCCR Hosts ‘A Discovery of Voice’. This interactive series of online workshops incorporated the discovery of emotions through music and used music as a platform to explore conflict, help boost confidence in individuals and to better understand music and your own voice as a way of communicating. 91 attendees from 28 organisations joined us online over three days with 14 different speakers, workshop facilitators and musicians
'Connections & bridging the divide' - SCCR International and Digital 2020 Conference Festival
SCCR hosts it's first digital conference festival during the COVID pandemic bringing together speakers, film makers, writers and artists from around the world who talked from their heart and experience, combined with the opportunity to engage in interactive workshops and the arts. Our unique, international and inclusive conference was in response to the growing need for connection, understanding, kindness and compassion in 2020 more than ever.

'The Faces of Transition' 10th National Conference
10th National Conference ‘The Faces of Transition’ is held exploring the connection between our past, present and future and SCCR four year report and 2019 National Survey 'Transforming Conflict: Improving Relationships & Lives' is published capturing the Centre's work and survey responses from young people, parents/carers and professionals working with them across Scotland relooking at the issues and themes previously raised and to consider if these have changed over time.

National Young Person's Event
SCCR holds a National Youth Conference at Glasgow Science Centre to over 100 young people and supporting staff. In addition, Cyrenians and Glasgow Science Centre sign a Memorandum of Understanding, helping Scotland deepen its understanding of neuroscience and brain chemistry, and its impact young people’s mental health and wellbeing, child development, conflict at home and in wider society

Meet Your Emotional Homunculus and the Brain’s Amazing Drugs Cabinet
SCCR launches ‘Meet your Emotional Homunculus and the Brain’s Amazing Drugs Cabinet’ Project resources at our National Conference held at Glasgow Science Centre. SCCR ‘gifts’ Scotland and Maree Todd MSP, Minister for Children and Young People, a new suite of free, innovative and multi-media digital tools to help reduce conflict

Faculty plays host to SCCR Reception
SCCR Annual Reception held in the Advocates Library. Hosted by Gordon Jackson QC, (Dean) and welcomed by Angela Graham QC (Vice Dean) Faculty of Advocates

National Survey 2016
SCCR 2016 National Survey ‘Reducing Conflict, Improving Lives’ is published and paints a picture of conflict across Scotland; including five key recommendations for Scotland

Do you flip your lid?
#KeepTheHeid quiz, our second psychoeducational online resource is launched at The Gathering 2016

Are you a Monkey Genuis or a Lord of the Lizard?
#MonkeyVsLizard, our first psychoeducaitonal resource is launched at the Edinburgh International Science Festival

The launch of SCCR! Improving relationships, Improving lives
Funded by Scottish Government, the Scottish Centre for Conflict Resolution (SCCR) is launched at its first national conference in Glasgow. Key note address by Aileen Campbell, MSP for Children and Young People

Amber Mediation goes green
Amber mediation established by Cyrenians. Pioneers integrated a support model for homelessness prevention. (picture: amber worker with client)

A place in the country
Cyrenians Farm is purchased and opened as a therapeutic community and an alternative to the pressures of the city. Now over a dozen ongoing projects including: Homelessness Prevention Service, Cyrenians Communities, Cyrenians Farm and Good Food.

In the beginning...
Skippers 24-hour drop-in established in Edinburgh's Grassmarket by Father Anthony Ross. The UK-wide Simon of Cyrenian movement of the 1960s encouraged members of local communities to open hearts and minds to people who rejected or were rejected by normal society. Practical help to combat poverty, isolation and homelessness would be provided by setting up outreach services and shared homes, run as conscious communities, offering a sense of belonging and involvement as much as a place to live: an alternative community. In 1968, the Charity formally established by deed of trust – and City Community project opens at Broughton Place.