SCCR International Conference 2023

Ripples.... The Power of You

Ripples…The Power of ‘You’ covered a series of talks, panel discussions and workshops exploring how the acts of individuals can ‘ripple’ outwards, causing others to make decisions whose consequences then ripple out further. The talks not only looked outwards, but also inwards; we are best placed to contribute to our community when our minds and relationships are in good health.

Nurturing Positive Relationships

On World Teacher Day, head teacher Billy Burke led a session that explored how wellbeing and positive relationships should be at the heart of all we do in work and in life along with the connections we make and how positive communication is key to our happiness and development.

Billy Burke

Renfrew High School

Head Teacher

How to Create More Trauma-Informed Responses in Schools

Gerry Diamond provided attendees with an insight into how prolonged patterns of trauma can impact the developing brain and body. The event demonstrated an approach that brings certain core concepts on how the brain works within educational settings. And the impact this can have on the young person.

Gerry Diamond

Clydebank High School

Nurture Lead

Every Act of Kindness Leaves a Trace!

Kevin Neary is a co-founder of the charity Aid&Abet, who support people leaving prison. Kevin’s passion is preventing young people having to suffer what he did when he was their age; he supports young people on to more positive destinations now, rather than treating the problem later in life after the criminal justice system, prisons, addiction, and poor mental health that stems from childhood trauma have all left their mark.

Kevin Neary


Co-Founder and Mentor

Ever Increasing Circles: How Family Support Ripples Out

The changes family support brings ripple out, improving relationships with friends and family, whose own wellbeing is enhanced in turn. And it doesn’t stop there. The knock-on effect of learning new coping mechanisms can transfer to other areas of a person’s life, like their career. This event discussed the help SFAD can offer as well as the impact of evidence-based approaches to family support.

Gill Harmon

Scottish Families Affected by Alcohol and Drugs (SFAD)

Senior Virtual Family Support Practitioner

Mediation - A Success Story?

As mediation continues to grow as an alternative way to address, repair and settle conflict, more attention is being paid to how we can ensure mediation is as effective as possible. Cyrenians' Senior Mediator Alan Jeffrey led this interactive session to explore what makes mediation successful. The event focused on the situations that are most suited to mediation, the qualities of the mediator themselves, and the concept of procedural fairness, where the mediation process heavily impacts partie perspective on success.

Alan Jeffrey


Senior Mediator

The Influence of Adults - A Young Person’s Perspective

The SCCR Team and Aidan, Young Person Volunteer, explored the different ways in which adults shape and influence young people. This workshop looked at a range of situations where adults can make a significant difference to a young person’s life and how their small actions can lead to big changes.

SCCR Team and Aidan


Young Person Volunteer

Off Beat Relationships

Scott McEwen discussed his Relationship-Based Practice, which he has developed since retiring from patrolling the beat as part of the Police service and taking up his role of Training and Development Officer role at the Scottish Violence Reduction Unit (SVRU). This learning has been used to break down barriers and make, maintain and mend relationships with those most ‘difficult to reach’ or ‘easy to ignore’ in society.

Scott McEwen

Violence Reduction Unit

Training and Development Officer

Unwrapping the Power of the Teenage Brain

Professor Judith Pratt outlined what we know about the neurobiology of the teenage brain in relation to behaviour and how this can have a ripple effect on relationships with others. From a neuroscience perspective, her talk highlighted the power of the teenage brain; from increased learning capacity to emotional experiences and creativity.

Professor Judith Pratt

Strathclyde Institute Of Pharmacy And Biomedical Sciences

Visiting Professor

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Upcoming events

  • Training Info/Register

    IN HOUSE - Dunbar Grammar School - Stop, Think and Be Cool

    13 January 2025 | 10:00 - 11:00

  • Seminar Info/Register

    Clan Law Training - The Promise East and Mid Lothian

    15 January 2025 | 12:30 - 16:30

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    IN HOUSE - Aberdeen Foyer - Understand, Communicate & Resolve

    17 January 2025 | 10:00 - 16:00

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    IN HOUSE - East Lothian Council - Foster Carer Session

    20 January 2025 | 10:00 - 13:00

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    IN HOUSE - Kinship Care - session for kinship carers

    21 January 2025 | 10:00 - 11:00

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    IN HOUSE - Barnardos - Recognise, Reflect and Resolve

    23 January 2025 | 10:00 - 12:00

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