FAQs: Mediation
The mediation process provides a space for both parties to reach a shared understanding and develop their own solution for the situation.

- Is a gradual process
- Is voluntary - people try it because they want things to change
- Is private and confidential
- Provides a safe space and time for people to talk
- Helps people to listen to each other
- Provides an opportunity to talk about what is causing problems without blaming
- Gives space and time to try and understand each other’s point of view even if you don’t agree with it
- Builds agreements and a way forward that is acceptable to the people directly involved
- Are trained and experienced in assisting people to talk through their concerns and resolve disagreements
- Don’t take sides or decide who is right or wrong - they make sure everyone feels listened to and heard
- Ask questions that help you to think things through
- Assist people to begin to focus on the future and talk about what they would appreciate from each other to make things better
- Help people build trust, reach agreements and decisions that are fair, reasonable, practical and that are your own
Sometime we all need a little support to make relationships work, mediation can help to make that happen.
How does it work?
The mediator will meet with people individually and in private to talk about the things that are difficult at home or with your family. The mediator will help people to think about what would make things better for everyone and how they can make this happen.
What will they do?
A mediator will help everyone to say what they feel the difficulties are and most importantly what would make things better.
What else do they do?
Mediators will fully explain how it all works and you don’t have to do anything you don’t want to. They are not there to be on anyone’s side but they are there to help everyone say what is important for them.
What will I have to talk about?
Whatever you like. Mediators talk with people in a way that they are comfortable with. We’ve heard it all before so there will be no judgment from us.
What if I start but don't want to continue?
That’s fine. We just need to hear you say no. However, in our experience if you walk away when things are hard, they will probably stay hard.
Who is a mediator?
A mediator is highly trained and experienced in working with people who are experiencing conflict and can help you and your family talk about the stuff at home that’s difficult without taking sides or judging